Crazy Things
Women Do
Adult Films
Porn actresses have great bodies and have squeaky clean anal sex – but how do they get it? Are their vaginas just naturally the perfect shade of pink, with tiny, delicate looking labia? Truth is, women in the porn industry do a lot to their bodies to get them looking just right, especially for close ups. Check out the intense things porn stars do to get ready for the camera.
Anal Bleaching
Yes, you heard that right. Many adult film actresses have been known to have their anuses bleached, particularly right before a big anal sex or analingus scene. This is so the puckered skin around the anus appears lighter and less “brown,” making the anus look cleaner and more appealing on camera. Women can have this done at salons who offer this service, or a special cream can be purchased and applied in the privacy of the home. Anal bleaching is relatively safe, however, creams and bleaches should not be used if the anal area is inflamed or irritated in any way.
Brazilian Waxing
Women that you see in porn flicks are almost always perfectly smooth and hairless down there. If you’ve ever shaved your pubic region before, you know that you rarely – if ever – get a shave that close. The truth is, most porn stars get their privates waxed. This is called a Brazilian wax and usually involves taking off all the hair in the groin area, in between and around the labia and around the anus. This gives a silky smooth appearance, but can be quite painful.
Nipple Tinting
While photo and video editing software can be used to give the nipples that “rosy pink flush” that looks so great on film after the fact, many actresses in porn still use lip and cheek tints to give their nipples a more pink appearance in the flesh. This makes it look as though the woman is much more aroused than she really is. For this same reason, ice is often used on the nipples in between takes to make them pucker up and stand erect.
Labia Tinting
Lip and cheek tints can also be used on the labia area to make them look more pink and flushed, as though the woman is incredibly turned on and her genitals are swollen with arousal. Special tints for the vaginal area also exist, but are generally more expensive. If you’ve ever wondered why a porn star’s labia are so pink and fresh looking, it’s most likely because they’ve applied some kind of labia tint before the camera started rolling.
Enemas And Laxatives
Those anal sex scenes can be tough, because unless it’s a fetish video, fecal matter is a “no-no” on set. Most porn actresses will give themselves an enema beforehand, rinsing their colons completely clear of any matter whatsoever. Others will use laxatives to clean themselves out so they don’t have any accidents on screen. This gives couples engaging in anal sex on their own think that it’s going to be a perfectly clean activity – when in reality, if the woman hasn’t prepared herself beforehand, it can actually get pretty messy.
Extreme Dieting
Many girls in the adult film industry will end up dieting to the extreme just to make their bodies appear thinner on screen, but extreme dieting is also used when an anal sex scene is to be filmed, in conjunction with enemas or laxatives. Women in porn have been known to starve themselves up to twenty four hours to prepare for a scene, just to make sure that the anal play ends up squeaky clean. On the other hand, women in “golden shower” fetish videos will take in an excess of liquids to make sure she has enough urine for the many different takes that will be filmed.
Labiaplasty And Breast Augmentation
It’s pretty obvious that a large number of women in the adult film industry have gotten a boob job. You can tell by the way their breasts barely move as they’re getting pounded on screen, and the way the skin of their breasts look stretched tight over their too large implants. However, you might not be able to tell that many women in the industry have also gotten labiaplasties. These surgeries involve shortening the labia so they look smaller and more dainty, giving the vagina an overall tinier and tighter appearance. This gives the illusion and creates the misconception that vaginas should look perfect to be considered attractive, when in reality, vaginas are all shapes, sizes and colors!